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domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

Optional writing activity: My ideal holidays!

Hello everyone! How are you? Did you have a good weekend?
I'm sorry for the delay, but I've been having some problems with my computer and I couldn't enter the blog.

Here's the guide I promised last class, in case you want to do this writing activity.

 My ideal holidays
TASK: A magazine has opened up a contest to win an airplane ticket to your dream destination. Readers who want to participate have to send a description of their ideal holidays. The most creative description will win the airplane ticket! In the description, readers should include the following information:

a) What's your dream place to spend your holidays? What is it like? 
b) Would you go there in summer, winter, spring, autumn? Why?
c) What activities can you do there? Which ones would you like to do? Why?
d) Who would you go with? Alone? With friends? With family? Why?

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