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martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Pronunciation of regular verbs in the past: -ED ending

Hello, how are you?

Last class we talked about the pronunciation of -ED endings, remember? Here are some useful webpages!

(Remember NOT to focus on the difference between /t/ and /d/ endings, but DO FOCUS on /id/ endings!)

An explanation in Spanish with audio:  http://www.shertonenglish.com/resources/es/pronunciation/pronunciation-ed.php  

Some practice:

Other useful webpages with explanations and practice:

During the next few days, I'll be uploading more material for you to practice PAST SIMPLE vs. PAST CONTINUOUS.

Have a nice week! :)


martes, 22 de abril de 2014

LCB virtual class is open!!!

Hello everyone, how are you?

Did you know that we have a virtual classroom at LCB? Here is the links: http://e-duc.com.ar/lcb/login/index.php 

Registrarse como usuario

Usuario: ingrese su número de D.N.I (sin puntos ni espacios).
Contraseña: en su primer ingreso, ingrese changeme. A continuación, el sistema le pedirá que elija una contraseña personal, que deberá utilizar en futuros accesos.

Si continúa experimentando dificultades para acceder, puede enviar un mensaje a lcbonline@liceobritanico.com, o llamar al 0800-44-INGLES.

(Si ya ingresaron el año pasado, la clave es la misma que usaron)

Remember that you should enter "Level 3" classroom. You'll find online activities to revise what we saw in Unit 1. 
Later on, unit 2 will be opened, and so on.

domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

Optional speaking activity: Fotobabble!

If you want to practise speaking, you can do the following activity:

  1. Go to this website http://www.fotobabble.com/

3. Now you have 2 options:
a) Connect with Facebook
b) Sing up for Fotobabble à Here you’ll create an account. Complete the form and click on “Sign up"

4. Click on: Create a fotobabble and upload a photo.

5. Click on Record, and start speaking! Below you’ll find some questions you can use as a guide.
6. Give your fotobabble a title.
7. Click on save.
8. Send me the link to the fotobabble by email!

Question guide

1) Where did you go? When?
2) What was the weather like?
3) What activities did you do?
4) Did you have a good time? Why/why not?

Here is my fotobabble as an example:

I hope you like the activity!

See you on Saturday!!

Optional writing activity: My ideal holidays!

Hello everyone! How are you? Did you have a good weekend?
I'm sorry for the delay, but I've been having some problems with my computer and I couldn't enter the blog.

Here's the guide I promised last class, in case you want to do this writing activity.

 My ideal holidays
TASK: A magazine has opened up a contest to win an airplane ticket to your dream destination. Readers who want to participate have to send a description of their ideal holidays. The most creative description will win the airplane ticket! In the description, readers should include the following information:

a) What's your dream place to spend your holidays? What is it like? 
b) Would you go there in summer, winter, spring, autumn? Why?
c) What activities can you do there? Which ones would you like to do? Why?
d) Who would you go with? Alone? With friends? With family? Why?

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Hotel Problems

Here is a nice animated video to revise the phrases we learnt last class

See you on Saturday!