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viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Song! The Road to Mandalay

Dear everybody,
Here is the video for the song we listened to last class and we couldn't watch in class.
I hope you enjoy it!
Feel free to do the activities in the photocopy if you want

sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014


Hello! Here goes some material on the topic we discussed last class: PHOBIAS!

For next class, remember to choose one STRANGE PHOBIA, and prepare the answer to the following questions:

1) What's the name of the phobia?
2) What is the phobia about? (A fear of. what?)
3) Why do you consider it a strange phobia?
4) Do you know anybody who suffers from this phobia?
5) What advice would you give to a person who suffers from this phobia?

The following material can help you:

  1. Power point presentation with images showing different phobias,

2. A video about strange phobias: http://mental.healthguru.com/video/the-worlds-weirdest-phobias?Neatorama

I hope you find this useful!

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

KEY Revise and Check 7&8 (SB pages 66 and 67)


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C

a) 1 meet - 2 tell - 3 miss - 4 hope - 5 wears
b) 1 forget - 2 learn - 3 try - 4 promise - 5 enjoy - 6 mind - 7 hate - 8 finish
c) 1 very - 2 incredibly - 3 bit - 4 rather - 5 quite
d) 1 lost - 2 home/back - 3 better - 4 tickets - 5 on - 6 divorced - 7 from


a) Because they are lazy.
b) 2, 4, 6, 7

  1. c
  2. c
  3. a
  4. c
  5. a

Activity book - ANSWER KEY

Material taken from the English File Website (OUP)

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Reminder!

Hello, everyone! Remember that tomorrow we'll be discussing chapters 6, 7, and 8 from the book!

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Talking about possible future situations: first conditional

We are talking about the future. We are thinking about a particular condition or situation in the future, and the result of this condition. There is a real possibility that this condition will happen. For example, it is morning. You are at home. You plan to play tennis this afternoon. But there are some clouds in the sky. Imagine that it rains. What will you do? Notice that we are thinking about a future condition. It is not raining yet. But the sky is cloudy and you think that it could rain. 

 present simpleWILL + base verb
Ifit rainsI will stay at home.


More examples...

Giving advice: SHOULD / SHOULDN'T

Revision and practice: https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-modal-should.htm



The Picture of Dorian Gray - Chapters 3, 4 and 5

Here are the questions that we discussed last class in groups

Chapter 3

1) What does Dorian Gray look like?
2) Find examples of the concept of BEAUTY.
3) What does Lord Henry say about  BEAUTY and YOUTH?

Chapter 4

1) What is Dorian Gray's reaction when he sees his portrait?
2) What does Dorian sat about the portrait in relation to BEAUTY and YOUTH?
3) What is Dorian Gray's wish? Why does he wish this?

Chapter 5

1) What do we learn about Dorian Gray and his family?
2) How would you describe Henry and Dorian's relationship? Why?
3) In what ways is BEAUTY expressed in this chapter?

sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2014

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Schedule

Hello, everyone! Here goes the schedule we'll try to follow when reading the story. Remember you can get the copies at the photocopy shop, or that you can send me an email if you want the PDF and/or AUDIO.

06/9 Introduction of the story: activity in class

13/9 Chapters 1 and 2: Reading at home - discussion/activities in class

27/9 Chapters 3, 4 and 5: Reading at home - discussion/activities in class

11/10 Chapters 6, 7 and 8: Reading at home - discussion/activities in class

18/10 Chapters 9 and 10: Reading at home - discussion/activities in class

01/11 Chapters 11, 12 and 13: Reading at home - discussion/activities in class

15/11 Chapters 14 and 15: Reading at home - discussion/activities in class

29/11 Chapters 16 and 17: Reading at home - discussion/activities in class

You'll see that some chapters do not have a number in the copies I have... We'll check this tomorrow in class.
Any questions, let me know.

LCB Blogs!!

Have you checked the LCB blogs recently?

Here are the links! 



To infinitive or Ing?

When to use the to infinitive

The infinitive form is used after certain verbs:
- forget, help, learn, teach, train
- choose, expect, hope, need, offer, want, would like
- agree, encourage, pretend, promise
- allow, can/can't afford, decide, manage, mean, refuse
  • forgot to close the window.
  • Mary needs to leave early.
  • Why are they encouraged to learn English?
  • We can't afford to take a long holiday.
The infinitive form is always used after adjectives, for example:
- disappointed, glad, happy, pleased, relieved, sad, surprised
  • I was happy to help them.
  • She will be delighted to see you.

When to use -ing

The -ing form is used when the word is the subject of a sentence or clause:
  • Swimming is good exercise.
  • Doctors say that smoking is bad for you.
The -ing form is used after a preposition:
  • I look forward to meeting you.
  • They left without saying "Goodbye."
The -ing form is used after certain verbs:
- avoid, dislike, enjoy, finish, give up, mind/not mind, practise
  • dislike getting up early.
  • Would you mind opening the window?

jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

Welcome to Level 4!!!

Hello, again!

Welcome to Level 4! Here is the video I shared with you last class (click on the link to watch it) I hope you've liked it!

In addition, here is the song we worked with last class:

See you next class!!

viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

Apps for smartphones

If you have a smartphone, you may want to check the following apps:

Present perfect: Just, yet, already, ever, never

Hello, everybody. How are you?
Last class, we continued working on the present perfect

The following webpages are useful if you want to revise what we saw last class, or if you were absent last class and you want to tune in for tomorrow:

See you tomorrow!! :)

lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

sábado, 7 de junio de 2014

Life Experiences: present perfect

Two useful webpages and a video!



viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

At a restaurant

Here is the scene from the sitcom Friends that I mentioned last class. They are at a very expensive restaurant, and three of them do not have much money. Pay attention to the phrases they use when they order food (I'll have...).

And here are other videos showing different restaurant situations!

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Optional Reading and Writing Activity

Some classes ago, we dealt with hotel problems, remember?
Here is an optional reading activity connected to this topic. If you decide to do it, you can either:
a) send me the answers by email (on a Word Document)
b) bring the answers to class on Saturday and hand them in for correction

1) Read the following newspaper article about hotel problems. What title would you give to it?

An international travel site conducted a survey on hotel complaints around the world and found some unusual things. The travel website Skyscanner.net surveyed 400 international hotel staff in 39 different countries. It asked them about the strangest things guests had asked for or complained about. The site said that most of the unusual complaints were about food. Other weird requests were related to the room. Not every hotel room or the services on offer are to everybody's taste, but the complaints in the Skyscanner survey were so strange it makes you wonder how the hotel staff responded. It would be impossible for any hotel in the world to make some of the complaining guests happy.
The food-related complaints were very weird. One guest asked for 16 cucumbers a day, while another requested only the right legs of a chicken. The staff had no idea why just the right leg, or whether the left leg of a chicken didn't taste as nice as the right leg. One guest asked for something not normally found on the room service menu – crocodile soup. Other complaints were crazy enough to make staff wonder about the mental age of the guests. A man at a luxury hotel in London complained that his room did not have a sea view. The nearest beach to London is about 75 km away. Other guests wanted the toilet filled with mineral water, a bath full of honey and a discount because his girlfriend snored.

2) Read the article again and decide if these sentences are TRUE or FALSE.

a.A nationwide website did a survey on hotel guests' complaints.T / F
b.The site asked 400 staff from international hotels in 39 countries.T / F
c.Most of the unusual requests were about the shower and bathroom.T / F
d.The article said it's impossible to keep all hotel guests happy.T / F
e.One guest wanted the hotel to give him/her 16 cucumbers a day.T / F
f.Another guest wanted only the right leg of chickens.T / F
g.A man at a London hotel complained he could see the sea.T / F
h.A woman wanted a discount because her boyfriend snored.T / F

3) SYNONYM MATCH: What do these words mean? Read the article again and match the words (1 to 10) to a synonymous expression (a-j).

3.surveyedc.were about
4.related tod.requested
6.asked forf.carried out
7.normallyg.price reduction

4) LETTER:Write a letter to an expert on hotels. Ask him/her three questions about hotels. Give him/her three of your ideas on how to make hotel stays better. 

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Present Continuous: Future meaning

Hello, everybody!

I've found this video with a complete explanation of the present continuous for future use. The explanation is in Spanish, but I think it is complete and it might be useful for some of you. http://www.blueblocnotes.com/grammar/future-tenses/present-continuous-future
The only thing that's not included on the video is the idea of ARRANGEMENTS that we talked about last class. Here's a useful explanation of this: http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/future_arrangements.php

Here you'll find the difference between present continuous (future) and be going to: http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-lesson-future-plan.php#.U3pZX_l5OBw

I hope it's useful!

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014


Hello, how are you?

Here is an interesting webpage in which you can do listening activities with songs: http://lyricstraining.com/

It's very easy to use. It's similar to Youtube! After you choose the song you'd like to listen to, you have to select the level of the activity. I recommend 'principiante' or 'intermedio', but if you want, you can have a go at more difficult activities! 

I hope you enjoy it!

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014

Writing: Describing a picture

Last class, we described these famous historical pictures:


Choose one photo and write a short description

1) Who were the people in the picture? Where were they? When? 
2) What were they doing when the picture was taken?
3) Were you alive when this happened? If so, what were you doing? If not, what do you think most people were doing?

REVISION: Prepositions of Time (at - in - on)

Some explanations:

http://www.english-4u.de/prepositionoftime.htm (focus on AT - IN - ON)

http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar/preposition_time.htm   (focus on AT - IN - ON)





Hi, again! 

Here is some grammar practice for you to do online!


Here you'll find a simple explanation and some practice activities: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simple-past 

And here there are A LOT of activities!! Just choose what you want to revise and practice: http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/past_simple-exercises.html 


A simple explanation and some practice: http://www.learnenglish-online.com/grammar/pastcontinuous.html


Explanation and practice! http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simpas-paspro


Funny situations: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=7846 

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Pronunciation of regular verbs in the past: -ED ending

Hello, how are you?

Last class we talked about the pronunciation of -ED endings, remember? Here are some useful webpages!

(Remember NOT to focus on the difference between /t/ and /d/ endings, but DO FOCUS on /id/ endings!)

An explanation in Spanish with audio:  http://www.shertonenglish.com/resources/es/pronunciation/pronunciation-ed.php  

Some practice:

Other useful webpages with explanations and practice:

During the next few days, I'll be uploading more material for you to practice PAST SIMPLE vs. PAST CONTINUOUS.

Have a nice week! :)


martes, 22 de abril de 2014

LCB virtual class is open!!!

Hello everyone, how are you?

Did you know that we have a virtual classroom at LCB? Here is the links: http://e-duc.com.ar/lcb/login/index.php 

Registrarse como usuario

Usuario: ingrese su número de D.N.I (sin puntos ni espacios).
Contraseña: en su primer ingreso, ingrese changeme. A continuación, el sistema le pedirá que elija una contraseña personal, que deberá utilizar en futuros accesos.

Si continúa experimentando dificultades para acceder, puede enviar un mensaje a lcbonline@liceobritanico.com, o llamar al 0800-44-INGLES.

(Si ya ingresaron el año pasado, la clave es la misma que usaron)

Remember that you should enter "Level 3" classroom. You'll find online activities to revise what we saw in Unit 1. 
Later on, unit 2 will be opened, and so on.

domingo, 20 de abril de 2014

Optional speaking activity: Fotobabble!

If you want to practise speaking, you can do the following activity:

  1. Go to this website http://www.fotobabble.com/

3. Now you have 2 options:
a) Connect with Facebook
b) Sing up for Fotobabble à Here you’ll create an account. Complete the form and click on “Sign up"

4. Click on: Create a fotobabble and upload a photo.

5. Click on Record, and start speaking! Below you’ll find some questions you can use as a guide.
6. Give your fotobabble a title.
7. Click on save.
8. Send me the link to the fotobabble by email!

Question guide

1) Where did you go? When?
2) What was the weather like?
3) What activities did you do?
4) Did you have a good time? Why/why not?

Here is my fotobabble as an example:

I hope you like the activity!

See you on Saturday!!

Optional writing activity: My ideal holidays!

Hello everyone! How are you? Did you have a good weekend?
I'm sorry for the delay, but I've been having some problems with my computer and I couldn't enter the blog.

Here's the guide I promised last class, in case you want to do this writing activity.

 My ideal holidays
TASK: A magazine has opened up a contest to win an airplane ticket to your dream destination. Readers who want to participate have to send a description of their ideal holidays. The most creative description will win the airplane ticket! In the description, readers should include the following information:

a) What's your dream place to spend your holidays? What is it like? 
b) Would you go there in summer, winter, spring, autumn? Why?
c) What activities can you do there? Which ones would you like to do? Why?
d) Who would you go with? Alone? With friends? With family? Why?

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Hotel Problems

Here is a nice animated video to revise the phrases we learnt last class

See you on Saturday!

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

SHORT STORY! Let's vote!

Last class, I showed you 5 short stories. The idea is that we choose one for the first part of the year.
Please, vote for your favourite one here:

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Speaking and writing activity: Describing people

Assignment #2

Here is another optional activity for you to do at home. 


Go to your Students' book, page 7 (or look at the photocopy I gave you last class!)
Work on activity 6 (Speaking and writing). Complete the chart with information about a friend/family member. Using your notes, get ready to tell me about your friend/family member! The idea is that you practise what you are going to say at home! On Saturday, I'm going to ask you about it. 


Using the same notes as in activity 6, write a short description o f your friend/family member. Remember to separate into paragraphs according to the topic you're writing about:

PARAGRAPH 1: Introduce the person (name, age, job, nationality) + your relationship with him/her
PARAGRAPH 2: Physical descriotion (use the vocabulary we learnt on Saturday!!)
PARAGRAPH 3: Personality
PARAGRAPH 4: likes/dislikes 

You can include a picture, if you want.


Video activity: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Assignment #1 

Here is a video activity that you can do at home. You can write the answers in a comment below this post, or you can write them on a piece of paper and give it to me on Saturday. 

NOTE: This special activity is optional. If you decide to do it, please let me know on Saturday.



1) What is beauty, in your opinion? 

2) Can you make a list of 5 qualities that define beauty? (Number 1 should be the most important one)

3) Look up the definition of the following proverb in a dictionary (or you can also google it!): BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER. 
Do you agree with this proverb? Why/why not?


4) Watch the following video and pay attention to the general message.


5) Answer the following questions: 

  • How does the film make you feel?
  • How do the women in the film feel when they see their portraits? Why?
  • What’s the message of the film?
6) At the end of the movie, you can see the following phrase:

“You are more beautiful than you think.”

This is the publicity slogan of Dove the product which made the short film. 
Do you agree with this slogan? Why do you think it was chosen?

7) Go back to the list you made before (task 2). Do you want to leave it the same way, or would you like to make any changes? Why?

8) Imagine you are the publicity manager of a MAKE-UP product. Think of a good slogan that represents the idea on the Dove video. 

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

Revision Booklet - ANSWER KEY

Here's the answer key of the revision booklet. Do the HW activities and check them at home. In class, you'll ask me your doubts (if any!) 

DOWNLOAD THE ANSWER KEY FROM THIS LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o7nelnq69eopjne/Level%20III%20booklet%20-%20answer%20key.doc 

English File Website

Hello, everybody!

If you click HERE, you can get into the English File website. You can use this webpage to revise at home!

See you tomorrow!


viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

What do you do in your free time?

Hello everybody!

Here is some optional practice. You can watch this very short video about people's free time activities (or spare time activities) and then leave a comment about what you do on your free time. It's interesting! 

Have a nice day!! (despite the rain!)

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

Questions with HOW

Nice chart! :) 

Vocabulary from last class

Hi again!

Last class, some expressions came up in class that we didn't know in English ("perro de razas cruzadas" "cinturón rojo punta negra"). Here they are in English!

  • Dogs: we can say "half-breed dog" (not very common) or "mixed-breed dog" (more common!) Here are some pictures!

See you on Sat!

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014



You can buy the books at KEL ,at SBS or ESTARI LIBROS  

Also, for the very first lessons, we are going to use a REVISION BOOKLET. You can download it from here: DOWNLOAD BOOKLET
I have also sent it by email! 
We are going to start using the Booklet this Saturday!! (March 15th)

Have a nice week!


Welcome to our blog!

Hello everybody! Welcome to our blog and medium of communication!