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viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Song! The Road to Mandalay

Dear everybody,
Here is the video for the song we listened to last class and we couldn't watch in class.
I hope you enjoy it!
Feel free to do the activities in the photocopy if you want

sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014


Hello! Here goes some material on the topic we discussed last class: PHOBIAS!

For next class, remember to choose one STRANGE PHOBIA, and prepare the answer to the following questions:

1) What's the name of the phobia?
2) What is the phobia about? (A fear of. what?)
3) Why do you consider it a strange phobia?
4) Do you know anybody who suffers from this phobia?
5) What advice would you give to a person who suffers from this phobia?

The following material can help you:

  1. Power point presentation with images showing different phobias,

2. A video about strange phobias: http://mental.healthguru.com/video/the-worlds-weirdest-phobias?Neatorama

I hope you find this useful!

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

KEY Revise and Check 7&8 (SB pages 66 and 67)


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C

a) 1 meet - 2 tell - 3 miss - 4 hope - 5 wears
b) 1 forget - 2 learn - 3 try - 4 promise - 5 enjoy - 6 mind - 7 hate - 8 finish
c) 1 very - 2 incredibly - 3 bit - 4 rather - 5 quite
d) 1 lost - 2 home/back - 3 better - 4 tickets - 5 on - 6 divorced - 7 from


a) Because they are lazy.
b) 2, 4, 6, 7

  1. c
  2. c
  3. a
  4. c
  5. a

Activity book - ANSWER KEY

Material taken from the English File Website (OUP)

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Reminder!

Hello, everyone! Remember that tomorrow we'll be discussing chapters 6, 7, and 8 from the book!

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Talking about possible future situations: first conditional

We are talking about the future. We are thinking about a particular condition or situation in the future, and the result of this condition. There is a real possibility that this condition will happen. For example, it is morning. You are at home. You plan to play tennis this afternoon. But there are some clouds in the sky. Imagine that it rains. What will you do? Notice that we are thinking about a future condition. It is not raining yet. But the sky is cloudy and you think that it could rain. 

 present simpleWILL + base verb
Ifit rainsI will stay at home.


More examples...

Giving advice: SHOULD / SHOULDN'T

Revision and practice: https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-modal-should.htm



The Picture of Dorian Gray - Chapters 3, 4 and 5

Here are the questions that we discussed last class in groups

Chapter 3

1) What does Dorian Gray look like?
2) Find examples of the concept of BEAUTY.
3) What does Lord Henry say about  BEAUTY and YOUTH?

Chapter 4

1) What is Dorian Gray's reaction when he sees his portrait?
2) What does Dorian sat about the portrait in relation to BEAUTY and YOUTH?
3) What is Dorian Gray's wish? Why does he wish this?

Chapter 5

1) What do we learn about Dorian Gray and his family?
2) How would you describe Henry and Dorian's relationship? Why?
3) In what ways is BEAUTY expressed in this chapter?